
The WES Way

The WES Way defines our values and foundational principles that drive our culture and how we operate.

Core Values

Our core values of servant leadership, empowerment, customer focus, belief in each other, positive work environment, and integrity provide a crucial foundation that guides our actions. Promoting the practice of these values in our daily lives ensures personal improvement, the long-term success of WES as a company, and further solidifies WES as a great place to work.

To emphasize the importance of our values to the company's success, we recognize up to 16 nominated employees each year for their extraordinary demonstration of our values through our Core Value Awards.

Foundational Principles

Our foundational principles of operational excellence, superior customer service, and sustainable operations influence decision making and encourage long-term strategy.

Operational Excellence

We’re committed to safe and efficient operations based on innovation and technology to maximize value for our stakeholders.

Superior Customer Service

We’re committed to working with and listening to our customers to address their needs.

Sustainable Operations

We’re committed to the safety of our people, lowering our carbon intensity, and improving our communities.

Our LiveSAFE Philosophy

Through our LiveSAFE safety culture, we’re committed to the safe and efficient delivery of energy for our customers. That includes an emphasis on true care and concern for each other, a standardized safety training program, and significant investments in asset integrity.

Implementing LiveSAFE in all we do has enabled WES to receive two consecutive first-place safety awards from the GPA Midstream Association in the Large Company division (more than 1 million man hours).

Find out more about how we operate responsibly in the Sustainability section of our website.

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